Business case: A challenge for SAP users
Category: SAP HANA Posted:May 31, 2015 By: Alvera AntoCost is not only the concern of customers using SAP HANA. They do not find the use of in memory technology today. The companies say that they are unable to identify the business case that would justify the cost of using SAP HANA. There is lack of knowledge regarding the business cases. There has been a reversion to the technology on the various technologies like advanced analytics technologies, database and big data. SAP HANA is not preferred because the workforce lacks the skills for the same. Majority of the population is unaware of the skills that are required for SAP HANA.
Since SAP HANA is the new technology that is rising in the market, the widespread adoption requires time and patience. SAP shall support the existing environments in future. The common integration with SAP HANA include Business Warehouse on HANA, Business Suite on HANA, HANA custom analytics, HANA enterprise applications, and HANA Enterprise.
Business Warehouse on HANA has been the top in investment by the companies to improve in technology. It has played a significant role in investing in the forthcoming technology in the market. Nevertheless, the survey has also highlighted the benefits of SAP HANA. SAP HANA has helped to optimize the costs, enabling innovation for departments like finance department.
Thus the costs for the companies are being effectively management with the help of this technology.
SAP has enable thinking about the business process in the manner to optimize costs and improve the output for the companies. SAP HANA has found its implementation in the industry.
Right now there is a talent crunch for the companies.
For any business transactions, data can be aggregated from many sources and applications. Due to SAP HANA there is a reduced cost for testing and maintenance. For SAP HANA Training needs, Visit Call 515-309-1546 or email [email protected].