ba1Outstanding leaders work hard and work with others to move the organization to greatness. Great leaders make great decisions. The ability to make great decisions about complex, important problems is encouraged and rewarded in successful organizations. This combination of humility and professional will is often found in senior business analysts. BAs are often humble about their skills while working very hard to recommend approaches to handling complex challenges. Consider why humility is an important characteristic of a great leader and decision maker.

Decision makers must listen to involved stakeholders and consider outside opinions.

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They must look at the problem from different perspectives, not just their own. They must be willing to admit when they are wrong and make adjustments. They allow others to take credit for accomplishments. Great leaders often remain in the background, working quietly to steer the organization in the right direction using all of the information they have gathered, performing rational, logical reasoning to come to excellent decisions. All of the above statements are also descriptions of excellent, senior level business analysts. Most BAs are very humble because they understand the complexity of today’s business problems and recognize that solutions are not easy or simple. They don’t jump to conclusions or try to sell an idea which hasn’t been thought through. Even when a BA comes up with a solution idea, instead of boasting about it he or she keeps analyzing, looking at it from every angle to make sure it will work and not cause other problems.

BAs recognize that easy answers rarely solve complex problems. Yet they don’t give up or suggest others just live with these problems. They are constantly working to improve processes for their business stakeholders, looking for better ways to get work done. Disciplined people often accomplish more of their goals because they are focused and willing to work hard. Great leaders work extremely hard and don’t give up. In the same way Senior BAs stay on a problem until they find a solution.

They continue to think about a challenge long after they leave their offices, consciously and unconsciously, analysis is always going on.

Ask yourself the following questions (honestly!)

  • Am I 100% committedto my career goals?
  • Do I have a coach or mentor that can hold me accountable?
  • Have I taken the time to develop a personalized career development plan?
  • Is my career development plan realistic and does it work with my life schedule?
  • Does my career development plan provide adequate down-time?

  • Is my down-time plannedso that I can use that time as efficiently as my development time?
  • Is my career development plan standardized and relatively simple to follow?

To know more about ZaranTech Business Analyst Training Program offerings please visit our website Call  515-978-9777 or email  bipin@zarantech.


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